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TRANSLATIONS (Polish into other languages and vice versa)

Posted: Mon Dec 10, 2007 1:32 am
by Gladiator
If you have a question about translation from Polish into other language (for example English), or from other language into Polish, you can ask in this topic.

It's recommended that you ask this sort of questions in this topic instead of starting new topic, or asking in other topics.

Thanks :)

Chodzi o t³umaczenia z polskiego na inne jêzyki i odwrotnie.
G³ównie ma to za zadanie pomóc obcokrajowcom do których kto¶ co¶ po polsku pisze (swoj± drog± to troche pora¿ka, ale jednak czêsto wystêpuj±ce zjawisko ;))

Posted: Wed Dec 12, 2007 5:40 pm
by kasmilus
Móg³by to kto¶ przet³umaczyæ ?

Code: Select all

Chtìl bych sehrát pøátelské utkání,proto¾ì tvùj klub vede na¹í soutì¾.....byla by to pro mùj tým cenna zku¹enost.

Posted: Thu Jan 17, 2008 7:19 pm
by Tiger Baros
Translate to polish, please:

Hi, I want to buy your CF. How much do you want for immediate transfer? Thanks for answer.


Posted: Thu Jan 17, 2008 7:32 pm
by apology240
I also have a request. Please transfer to Polish :

We had a deal. I had to offer 10 000 000 € and you would accept the offer IMMEDIATELY. We're now 1 day later and you still didn't accepted my bid, while you've been online for more than 6 times. You also don't answer the messages I've sent.

Posted: Thu Jan 17, 2008 8:22 pm
by BartGib
Tiger Baros wrote:Translate to polish, please:

Hi, I want to buy your CF. How much do you want for immediate transfer? Thanks for answer.

Cze¶æ, chcia³bym kupiæ twojego CF. Ile chcesz za natychmiastowy transfer?
Dziêki za odpowied¼.


Posted: Thu Jan 17, 2008 8:31 pm
by Tiger Baros
BartGib... Thanks!

Posted: Thu Jan 17, 2008 9:41 pm
by apology240
BartGib wrote:
Tiger Baros wrote:Translate to polish, please:

Hi, I want to buy your CF. How much do you want for immediate transfer? Thanks for answer.

Cze¶æ, chcia³bym kupiæ twojego CF. Ile chcesz za natychmiastowy transfer?
Dziêki za odpowied¼.

Can you do my sentence too ? Thanks.

Posted: Thu Jan 17, 2008 10:09 pm
by BartGib
apology240 wrote:I also have a request. Please transfer to Polish :

We had a deal. I had to offer 10 000 000 � and you would accept the offer IMMEDIATELY. We're now 1 day later and you still didn't accepted my bid, while you've been online for more than 6 times. You also don't answer the messages I've sent.
Mieli¶my uk³ad. Zaoferowa³em 10 000 000 ? Powiniene¶ zaakceptowaæ ofertê NATYCHMIAST. Jest ju¿ dzieñ pó¼niej a ty dalej nie zaakceptowa³e¶ oferty, pomimo tego ¿e by³e¶ dostêpny wiêcej ni¿ 6 razy. Nie odpowiedzia³e¶ tak¿e na wiadomo¶æ któr± Ci wys³a³em.

Posted: Thu Jan 17, 2008 11:15 pm
by apology240
BartGib wrote:
apology240 wrote:I also have a request. Please transfer to Polish :

We had a deal. I had to offer 10 000 000 � and you would accept the offer IMMEDIATELY. We're now 1 day later and you still didn't accepted my bid, while you've been online for more than 6 times. You also don't answer the messages I've sent.
Mieli¶my uk³ad. Zaoferowa³em 10 000 000 ? Powiniene¶ zaakceptowaæ ofertê NATYCHMIAST. Jest ju¿ dzieñ pó¼niej a ty dalej nie zaakceptowa³e¶ oferty, pomimo tego ¿e by³e¶ dostêpny wiêcej ni¿ 6 razy. Nie odpowiedzia³e¶ tak¿e na wiadomo¶æ któr± Ci wys³a³em.
Thanks ! You've been a great help !
Now let's hope that this Polish manager will do what he has promised...

Posted: Thu Mar 20, 2008 8:13 am
by KajTeK
moze mi ktos przetlumaczyc jo to beru kanoreeeee

Posted: Thu Mar 20, 2008 5:13 pm
by BartGib
a po kiemu to :shock:

Posted: Thu Mar 20, 2008 6:17 pm
by KajTeK
BartGib wrote:a po kiemu to :shock:
jakis koles wpisal mi sie w ksiege gosci, dzieki tak wogule

Posted: Thu Mar 20, 2008 6:43 pm
by Ufuss
KajTeK wrote:
BartGib wrote:a po kiemu to :shock:
jakis koles wpisal mi sie w ksiege gosci, dzieki tak wogule
Moze sprubuj do niego napisac po anielsku zeby ci to przetlumaczyl chociaz na angielski.

Ja tez mam czesto takie wiadomosci w grze (jakby ludzie mysleli ze kazdy jest z tego samego panstwa co oni, albo zna wszystkie jezyki), i odyslam wiadomosc ze nirozumiem i zeby napisal po angielsku.

Re: TRANSLATIONS (Polish into other languages and vice versa)

Posted: Mon Apr 13, 2009 10:26 am
by davor
Ktoś może przetłumaczyć dzisiejszego problemy na SP??

As a result of the problems on Saturday, the 04H simulation from today did not go as planned. We are trying to fix the problem as good and as quick as possible. For your info, the 04H simulation will be followed immediately by the 10H simulation and if neccessary the 14H simulation. Our apologies for the inconvenience

Re: TRANSLATIONS (Polish into other languages and vice versa)

Posted: Mon Apr 13, 2009 9:06 pm
by BartGib
davor wrote:As a result of the problems on Saturday, the 04H simulation from today did not go as planned. We are trying to fix the problem as good and as quick as possible. For your info, the 04H simulation will be followed immediately by the 10H simulation and if neccessary the 14H simulation. Our apologies for the inconvenience

Rezultatem problemów w sobotę, było to że dzisiejsza symulacja o 4 rano nie poszła zgodnie z planem. Staramy się rozwiązać problem tak dobrze i tak szybko jak to tylko możliwe. Dla twojej informacji, symulacja z 4 będzie kontynuowana o 10 i w razie konieczności o 14. Przepraszamy za utrudnienia.