SP-Uefa 4

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el stino
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SP-Uefa 4

Post by el stino »

Dear Sp'ers,

first of all we want to apologize us for the late start of the 4th Uefa-edition. Remis had started with this excellent idea to create an Uefa en Cl for SP. Due to his work he had run out of time to organize the following edition. Dries and I (el stino) will take over this 'job' and we'll try to do our best.

First of all we would like to know if the names of the coördinators of the different countries we have, are still correct. Plz check if this list is right and send us a pm to confirm. :wink:

Belgium: kvk dries, el stino
Netherlands: sljivovica, Leendert
Italy: Plauri?
Czech: ???
Lithuania: Remis, Vaciux , opateam
Slovakia: miso857
Portugal: Nespereira
Spain: Diebro69, jcsma
Romania: cyollo, champ
Turkey: De Meest Onderschatte
UK: Robborover, modes98

who can participate?
H -> D-teams
for the D-teams: you must be in D. (or lower) in season 17 :!:

you can find more information on: http://www.spfifa.opateam.com

- whe want to start the Uefa-FrC during the 2nd week of season 17.
- the coördinators should send us (kvk dries or el stino) a pm to give a list of the teams which will represent your country. at least before the knew season start. :!:
- so the coördinators have about 5 weeks time to find their teams. the way to select the teams which will participate at the Uefa-FrC the coördinators can choose themself. all we ask is that we have a list of the team on time

for this edition 64 teams will be selected.
the numbers of teams who can participate are:
Belgium - 10
Netherlands - 10
Czech - 9
Italy - 8
Lithuania - 8
Romania - 4
Slovakia - 3
Portugal - 3
Spain - 3
Turkey - 3
UK - 3

good luck :wink: if there are questions you can contact us by pm
Dries and el stino
Royal FC (el stino) - Manager since season 8
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Post by -Ussu »

VÕiks eesti ka esindada ikka :D
Team: FC Ussid

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Post by elari »

ma kunagi tegleesin sp-fifa ja sp-uefa eesti poolse korraldajana aga.. ütleme nii, et kuna ülevalt oli korraldus alla igasugust arvestust, siis viskas kergelt üle.. ehk on ajapikku olukord paranenud, seega palun väga - olge aktiivsed ning pakkuge ennast eesti organisaatoriks.
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